Sunday 30 December 2012

2013: Resolutions

I sit here looking at the almost blank screen, while wondering what I should write about and it seems like an apt time to make some resolutions.

The weird part about resolutions is that one always end up breaking them. But i'm gonna try anyways. So, here goes...

  • Consciously do one good deed everyday - however small or big... and this could be anything from sending a sweet text to an old friend to helping someone with change...but the idea is to consciously program myself to help and do good deeds so that it floats into my subconscious eventually
  • Get even more healthy - I want to lose some more weight, increase my stamina, build better body resilience, cut down on the amount of alcohol I drink, develop better food habits and try to avoid weekend binging.
  • Moderation - I've always been someone who tries things in extremes - I'd like to get a sense of moderation in my life...
  • Listen - I sometimes get carried away with my own thoughts that i forget to listen. I need to find a way of capturing both given my inability to multi-task...
  • Patience - I would like to be more patient. Especially with the people I love dearly...
  • Save - I need to begin to save a certain amount of money every month... however small or big, I just want to get into the habit of having a contingency plan for a rainy day.

Basically, 2013, I'd like to be a better man. 

Show me how.

Wednesday 21 November 2012


If I was richer... 
I'd travel a whole lot more.

If I was wiser...
I'd save a little bit more.

If I was better looking...
An actor I'd be.

If I could sing...
I'd waste my time seducing women...

If I hadn't gotten Polio...
An athlete I'd have become? Or maybe not.

If I wasn't as intelligent...
I would've been unbearably annoying!

If I was smarter...
I'd have made more money.

If I hadn't been so uncool as a kid...
I wouldn't have done the crazy things I did as an adult!

If I had more guts...
I'd actually find a cause worth fighting for... and fight for it.

If I had more guts...
A politician/activist I'd become.

If I was stronger...
I'd never be lonely.

If I had more passion...
An out-of-work stage actor I'd be...

If I had less ambition...
A stoned, out-of-work stage actor I'd be...

If I had less insecurity...
I'd feel a lot younger.


If I wasn't me...
I wouldn't be.


Wednesday 7 November 2012

When is it time to say goodbye...

Max's (my cousin's German Shepherd) hind legs and sometimes even his front legs are giving away. He is hardly able to walk even with a harness support and needs to be carried most of the time. In fact, at times he doesn't even seem to control his body...

As I sat there besides him, just stroking him to sleep, I began to cry. Max was a special dog to me... the first few times I was around him I had to be watchful cos he was known to be 'dangerous' and protective of his environment. He'd watch me silently from a corner in the room, his dark wolf-like face never breaking it's icy observance of my every move... And he'd do all this while Oscar (the other German Shepherd) jumped about happily to be petted and played with... Max was the friend who took time to commit, who's loyalty was rock solid, who took time be won-over... and it was a special feeling when we did eventually become friends... It wasn't easy. It was never taken for granted - he wouldn't let you. If you didn't visit for a while, he too would ignore you for a bit when you visited... Everytime he'd purr like a baby, I'd get really happy to see this beast turn into a puppy with me...

But today, he lay before me, unable to walk... breathing heavily. Max might actually need to be put to sleep if he doesn't improve. But I could tell, he still loved the petting that I was giving him. He kept licking me gently.

I don't know when it is time to say goodbye - to various things in life. People, relationships, work environments, places... I hate them. I can't seem to understand the point of building a bond, when you have to also let it go... and I don't know how some people do it so easily.

I'm not sure where one crosses the line between being a support to someone by holding on TO being a burden and refusing to see the inevitable. I don't know when one crosses the line between being a believer and a fighter TO a fool and a romantic.

Life's taught me that the right time to let go is when you really believe that it is in the best interest of the people concerned. Inherently, I'm a believer and a fighter. I won't give up. I won't let go of hope. But now I often ask myself, what's better for the other person...

Max, please don't give up. There's so much more life left in you...

Friday 2 November 2012

A lil post mid-way EVAL: Bucketlist '12

I've retained the original post in almost its entirety but have also added my evaluation of each wish with an underscore and a Verdict...

to start of with...

So, you kinda get caught up in the minutes, hours, nights, days, weeks, months and soon time has flashed by... You've spent a whole load of time doing several things but when you look back you somehow often find yourself saying, "hmmmmm, why didn't I ever do *that thing* when I wanted to?"

And one more often than rarely, doesn't seem to have an answer... So here's to putting down a list of objectives and thoughts for the year...

(Universe, you better be listening :)))))

Things that I wanna make sure I do/happen/work towards this year -

  • a skydiving course - not just a single tandem jump but to actually do a decent course that actually teaches me a bit about it. I've always been fascinated by how it must feel... I remember jumping off the highest diving board at a few pools (which sometimes were almost 4 stories high) even when I was a kid... the acceleration... the rush! 
    • well the skydiving course won't happen as yet but I will in all probability go for a paragliding course... In fact I was supposed to go for one with dad in august but unfortunately due to bad weather the entire schedule got canceled... but hey, atleast i'm halfway there... Progress
  • baby steps towards building something or involving myself in something that'll make a difference -  it's been one of my life goals to find a way to make a genuine difference. I know it gives me a lot of satisfaction to be able to influence change in a positive way... In many ways it feels like one of the reasons one is put on this planet. 
    • so far, nothing. I hate the fact that I haven't. I need to. Fail!
  • sorting out if this is the career I want for myself... I'm doing fairly well for myself. But i don't feel like i'm doing enough or getting the opportunity to. I expected/expect more from myself. i need to rethink things and really figure... This is my year of choice. 
    • so far this seems like a genuine step in the right direction, more than anything since it simply seems like there is potential. Progress
  • to get a flat stomach - I always had this. Somehow a few years back a few inches found their grip. They have got to go. Otherwise i'm still fairly fit... 
    • I've lost 8 kilos in 4.5 months... and that's just overall weight. I've probably lost a lot more fat which has been compensated by muscle gain. I love that I've been able to get back into shape. I'd like to lose a few more kilos and get those washboard abs. However, today, even I'd do me! Achievement... but still more to go.
  • travel with my parents - I wanna take my parents somewhere or send them on an international vacation if I can't go... would be super if they agreed to go visit my sis in the US... 
    • well we went on a couple of vacations but the US etc seems a little bit out of my financial reach at the moment... Baby steps
  • to spend more time with my parents and with my sister... 
    • I've spent so much more time this year with my folks that it's been an absolute pleasure. i could still spend more time and patience with my sister though... Progress
  • to move into a beautiful, slightly bigger apartment... and to collect art and beautiful things... to make my environment filled with lotsa things one can just look at and admire... to create and allow myself to soak in and appreciate an environment of beauty... 
    • well done! *Pat on back*!
  • to make some real money... not sure how. But I really need to figure this out... i need to figure out some alternative business plans as well... some passion projects maybe... 
    • work in progress
  • I think I'd like to be in a steady, loving, sharing, involved, respectful, genuine relationship... I'm not really desperate for it and very happy to wait till it happens... and for sure don't need it to happen within a timeline... But I think I'm ready - and that's sorta relatively new. I'd also like to be continue to be totally happy in the absence of one... 
    • phew. tough one. I think i met her n we had a good thing goin but we both messed it up. It seems like it's done but i do still love her. Flaws galore. Indestructible bonds. *makes grunting indistinct frustrated sounds*
  • save... I've never actually kept aside money for anything... I kinda just used it as I pleased. While i've never been terrrrrribly broke, I think the time has come for me to learn to put aside some money on a regular basis... What I choose to use it for is fairly flexible though... 
    • somewhat... by sending money home... Progress

Not too bad. 
We've come a long way baby...

Thursday 25 October 2012

Nobody Gets It All Right...

There are things in life, we regret but we still probably would wanna go through them again - cos we learnt valuable lessons... n there are those that we wish we could change - even if we did learn from them...

This is about a bit of both...

So, if I could change things about my life, what would I change... and what would I go through anyway...

  • Polio - while I never really had to deal with the effects of having been affected by Polio by myself (my upbringing kinda conditioned me to such an extent that it was a non-issue in my own head), it has occasionally made me wonder if I would've been a supreme athlete. The truth is, its impossible to know, maybe I worked hard to compensate. But, it has been a gift of sorts... has given me a lot of confidence and self belief that there is no such thing as a handicap - credit for this almost entirely goes to my folks for bringing me up the way they did.
    • Verdict - Go through anyway! (Sorry Michael Jordan, we can be team-mates in another life...)
  • Infidelity - I've been intensely romantically involved with 3 women, and for various reasons been unfaithful to each of them in various degrees... and various shades of stupidity. I really loved/love each one of them deeply. I wish I could turn back the pain I've caused them. 
    • Verdict - Rewind. Erase. Make it up to em. Wasn't worth it. Change.
  • Impatience - at various times, I've been terribly impatient with the people I love dearly. From teaching my darling sister Mathematics to having the patience to listen to well-meaning advice from mum... I kinda didn't try hard enough.
    • Verdict - Should've. Could've. Change.
  • Career Choice - so I entered the 'movie business' cos I loved watching movies and sorta had been trained by coincidence in business skills. But eventually, I fell out with the 'business' of filmmaking... or well, atleast it lost some of it's magic. It still does inspire and is gratifying at times, atleast more than I imagine other jobs would be. Also now I've a great set of colleagues going - it helps! But I always dreamt, i'd make more money than I am, quicker than I am. Maybe, I should've followed my skill with science or payed with numbers a little more... Stock broker maybe? But it isn't all about the money - definitely not.
    • Verdict - Jury Hung.
  • Creepy Puberty-ish Stuff - as a kid i've done some random creepy stuff that i wish i never did.
    • Verdict - Erase.
  • Being "out-there" - No explanations.
    • Verdict - Some regrets. Some Cherished.
And yet, one can be happy anyway!

Friday 21 September 2012

Happy stuff = Important stuff

I just watched 'Barfi!' and i absolutely loved it. Movies like that make me very very jealous and sometimes even a little dejected (not today though) - cos those are the reason I got into this line of work... and yet I have very little to do with them.

But I digress.

It made me think about how very often we end up complicating life and eventually making a mess out of it by occupying ourselves with things that really wont give us happiness or fulfillment or growth in any (worthwhile) manner. And its often these silly complications that leave us bitter and miserable. Not necessarily always... but often.

Hence, I figured it'd be  nice to put down a bunch of things that possibly make me happy (or Barfi!) - 

Unconditional Love 
it's awesome. Can't be replaced. Don't ever take it for granted.

Great Friends 
n i don't mean it in the narrow sense of how one classifies 'friends' but more as people who contribute to your life...

Make a Difference. Contribute. 
if you can't make it a better place, you're part of the problem.

Experience Life 
people talk about traveling while often forgetting to enjoy the simple pleasures and beauty in their everyday life. A cup of coffee in the morning. A smile. Graffiti. The sky. The smell of shampoo. Appreciate. Love. Face fear. Fall. Rise. Leap. Make mistakes. And then some more.

Absorb. Reflect. Wrestle. Flow. Grow. Strive. Fly. Stretch.

Stay Loyal. Stay Strong 
it's important to believe in something.

No one gets it all right. But, lots of people are happy anyway.

I gotta keep telling myself... Happy Stuff = Important Stuff.

Sunday 15 July 2012

In the End.

Max can't get up... but he lies down playfully and whines everytime i take a break from petting him. Max is my cousin's German Shepard. A really magnificent dog who looks almost like a wolf with the heart of a really eccentric loyal human... when he first sees someone he doesn't trust them at all: watching silently from a distance or sometimes even attacking... yet eventually with time (it takes a few days atleast) he starts to warm up to you... and it's strange cos it feels like you were courting a girl and she's suddenly given in... the kinda affection you tend to value more...

So Max is growing old now and has a spinal cord problem that makes him find it painful to walk... it's heartbreaking to see a magnificent, strong beast struggle to simply take a few strides... and that's when sometimes it dawns on you that life changes... it choicelessly moves in a singular direction. always. every moment.

Max will probably get the best treatment, love, care and affection... and recover as well. I really do believe he will.

This post wasn't meant to be about Max. Instead, the point of this post was to essentially point out how every new thing choicelessly moves towards its end in every moment. How every end is as destined as every beginning.

Our close ones will someday pass on. We will too. Relationships we love... will end. Close friends that matter today, may not tomorrow. Endeavors we spend hours upon, will cease to have even a presence... such is the essence of life. It moves on.

Yet, we celebrate most beginnings... and the ends leave us empty. I hate endings. I find them impossible to accept or come to terms with. Nothing seems to matter after...

What then is the point of anything, if it is to definitely, choicelessly, undoubtedly, infinitely, come to a halting, complete obliteration at some point? This single question, leaves me with a haunting loneliness... one of knowing, that I am my only constant.

Alone with change .

And the certain inevitable.

In the end, it's over.

aside - i know i started out wanting to write posts that captured moments of happiness and ones that I wanted to remember to serve as inspiration... but i guess eventually writing about sad emotions has also had its mild healing touch... and so I guess I will give myself the luxury of continuing to do so... I hope you will too :)

Monday 18 June 2012

...a coincidence of birth. And then many more...

I grudgingly wake up at 5 AM and curse that I've an early morning flight... But there's my maid who woke up at 4:45 AM to make me tea and the driver who woke up at 330 AM to get home in time to drive me to the airport...

I try to sleep in the uncomfortable chairs at the airport lounge as my flight's gotten delayed. Once again i curse and fret... But there's a multitude of people who have never slept in an air-conditioned environment let alone had the fortune of catching a plane to travel between two places...

I've been ridiculously fortunate. A great family. Abundant intelligence. A fabulous education. Real friends. and so much more... and to think in some way it all started with me being born into my family. And then on, every moment in life.

I wonder what would have been me if I had been born on the streets. Or if I had been born to a less loving family. I look around sometimes and see people in various situations... would they have been like me if they had been born in my family? or given the same opportunity?

Even you (who can read, have a computer or at least access to one... and definitely a whole lot more) have walked away with more chips than you started with at this roulette.

I guess its fair to say life's unfair.

I can't really say why we deserve this fortune. And others not. But I guess what's really important is what we do with it...

Sunday 22 April 2012

The Perfect Day

Just wanted to check-in and say its been such a fabulous day... i'm a tad high now, but...

Somehow (quite magically) I've managed to surround myself with warmth, an awesome family, great friends, great colleagues, fabulous mentors, unique experiences, a lovely vibrant environment and a fair sense of intelligence (i hope!) to evolve through all of this... The only thing i can imagine that'd make it better is to have a special someone to share it with - but then again, I'm not so sure...

I guess there always is a long way to go. And I love that there is.

Things break, and new saplings grow (from seeds no one knew had been planted). As it began, so it shall end.

I pray, I make a difference. I pray, I enrich my surroundings. I pray, for happiness.

To life! And your role in mine!

(and vice versa - but that's your dialogue!!!)

Monday 26 March 2012

Lost My Voice

So, it feels like it's been a while since I blogged...

And i do have my reasons... which are that I've kinda been swimming with a whole bunch of conflicting emotions, thoughts, philosophies and experiences... And somehow within this madness I haven't found any real sense of perspective that i'm comfortable with.

In some ways, I've grown a little weary and tired. I know i'm being REALLY vague... though it's not really in the specifics but more in the vast elusive general energy and motivation I feel... So, instead of fighting it and pushing my way through the mire, I kinda have just given up. Yet, I tread on...

Foolishness happens. Sadness sometimes. Elation at others. Work seems to be going well - it distracts. And surrounded by confusion it appears.

Yet it feels like there is a calm that lurks secretively in the shadows. Watching. Silently.

I lay back.

Friday 17 February 2012

My Hands are on the Wheel...

But I don't know where this road leads...
There's a tune in my head,
And a different song on the radio...

The road, it turns a suddenly... and then again, slowly.

I hit a bump,
I lose control...
My hands tense. Its still an unfamiliar feeling...

The sun, it rises in the distance. The wheels ease across the expanse...

The rearview shows a green pasture,
The path, blurry, is yet placid, in the warm, easy glow of dawn's mist,
I glance again at the rearview... a rabbit hops about, happy in the grass. The tyres turn...

I Smile. The song changes. The memories are happy. Hope is alive.
I guess I'd do it all over again.
My Hands are on the Wheel...

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Bucketlist '12

So, you kinda get caught up in the minutes, hours, nights, days, weeks, months and soon time has flashed by... You've spent a whole load of time doing several things but when you look back you somehow often find yourself saying, "hmmmmm, why didn't I ever do *that thing* when I wanted to?"

And one more often than rarely, doesn't seem to have an answer... So here's to putting down a list of objectives and thoughts for the year...

(Universe, you better be listening :)))))

Things that I wanna make sure I do/happen/work towards this year -

  • a skydiving course - not just a single tandem jump but to actually do a decent course that actually teaches me a bit about it. I've always been fascinated by how it must feel... I remember jumping off the highest diving board at a few pools (which sometimes were almost 4 stories high) even when I was a kid... the acceleration... the rush!
  • baby steps towards building something or involving myself in something that'll make a difference -  it's been one of my life goals to find a way to make a genuine difference. I know it gives me a lot of satisfaction to be able to influence change in a positive way... In many ways it feels like one of the reasons one is put on this planet.
  • sorting out if this is the career I want for myself... I'm doing fairly well for myself. But i don't feel like i'm doing enough or getting the opportunity to. I expected/expect more from myself. i need to rethink things and really figure... This is my year of choice.
  • to get a flat stomach - I always had this. Somehow a few years back a few inches found their grip. They have got to go. Otherwise i'm still fairly fit...
  • travel with my parents - I wanna take my parents somewhere or send them on an international vacation if I can't go... would be super if they agreed to go visit my sis in the US...
  • to spend more time with my parents and with my sister...
  • to move into a beautiful, slightly bigger apartment... and to collect art and beautiful things... to make my environment filled with lotsa things one can just look at and admire... to create and allow myself to soak in and appreciate an environment of beauty...
  • to make some real money... not sure how. But I really need to figure this out... i need to figure out some alternative business plans as well... some passion projects maybe...
  • I think I'd like to be in a steady, loving, sharing, involved, respectful, genuine relationship... I'm not really desperate for it and very happy to wait till it happens... and for sure don't need it to happen within a timeline... But I think I'm ready - and that's sorta relatively new. I'd also like to be continue to be totally happy in the absence of one...
  • save... I've never actually kept aside money for anything... I kinda just used it as I pleased. While i've never been terrrrrribly broke, I think the time has come for me to learn to put aside some money on a regular basis... What I choose to use it for is fairly flexible though...

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Angler Banega Kya Fisherman? (2002)

I took a lift,
onto a sailing ship,
to become a fisherman 
out in the ocean
instead of an angler
sitting in the backwater.

So there I was with
bait in one hand
and rod in the other
with all around staring in wonder!

As they cast their net
into the water
they caught little frightened 
fish, woken from slumber.

So I called out to a man,
"Yo, can I give ya a hand?"
He turned around with friendly 
eyes and said, "You bet man!"

He gave me a net
which I cast into the sea
but caught no little fish
unlike he!

No need to bait,
No need to wait,
Just throw and watch the show
when the net comes over the bow.

Stubborn, I cast my net again,
And believe me, this fish was plain,
I looked at it and without a thought,
Sold that fish for... nought.

The fisherman, they fished 
to survive, but
funnily, as an angler,
I enjoyed more pleasure.

So fishing, as you can see
is not for me
Coz I like a fish that's alive
And not afraid to take a dive.

Someday, I hope to be
an Angler out at sea,
sailing back home
with my fish beside me!

Sumitra Akka's Poem for Me

When I left school (way back in '99) a teacher of mine wrote me a poem... She made it on a piece of chart paper and on one side stuck pieces of colourful paper that formed an image that was an abstract fusion of a red indian brave and a bird...

On the other side she wrote...

"Remember - special one,
In the heart
of the warrior
Is a bird fish
Swimming upwards
Searching light
gleaming scales search
Sun and star
So bright, so far - when
in the blue sky's endless flow
a bird - of dark gold,
and shining wings
and eyes with golden rings - 
In their depths, the bird fish
Softly sings its song
unafraid to be.

           Wherever you are, whatever you dream, remember the beautiful bird within you, grand and wise. My love and best wishes will always be with you.
- Sumitra Akka"

Thursday 2 February 2012

Making Space...

I've often heard people speak of the power of positive thinking... In my opinion positive thoughts are fantastically fragile. Sometimes virtually powerless against negativity, insecurity, distrust and inertia... Defeatist thinking and painful emotions are funnily extremely powerful.

Remember the last time you got over a lack of trust in a jiffy? On the other hand, remember how easily you lost your grasp over any good thing?

In the last few days i've had the pleasure of interacting with a couple of people whom i've felt have somehow been able to make the universe 'move' and 'make space' for them and their dreams with their positivity, diligence and honesty. Both were hugely inspiring in their own way.

So the concept of 'cosmic timing' seems to have found its way into my head (well actually one of em might have planted it there...). Ever noticed how when you're in the best frame of mind, you tend to meet the most vibrant and interesting people?

I've begun to believe that there possibly is such a thing as 'cosmic timing'... that the 'universe' (or call it what-you-will - god, energy, a higher power etc) will somehow magically change to figure things out for you when you're somehow able to ________________

Sorry, i don't really have the answers as to what you need to be able to do to make the universe your buddy, but... I'd like to share some of the common threads I found in both these people...

  • they both loved what they were doing in life
  • they both actively pursued things that gave them happiness - and they worked hard in these pursuits
  • they were somehow magically structured while also being instinctive - they had structured their lives in a way that allowed for them to be instinctive
  • their approach to life was simplified... 'I will always do what makes me happy and stay honest to myself'... 
  • neither was remotely lazy. Neither was afraid to take responsibility for their mistakes. Neither had it easy...
  • they were both in good health and fit
  • they were fantastically vibrant - to the point of being inspiring
I know it sounds rather simplistic... but somehow it makes me happy to just think like this.

Reminds me of these scenes from my favourite SRK movie (and i like only a few)... scene 1 (with english subtitles) and scene 2 (after he gets reincarnated)...

The possibilities seem limitless... 

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Be a Man! Really???

Be a man...

Really? Ladies... You sure don't make it easy.

  1. Paying the bill - wtf!!! who made this ridiculous rule? Like, what was going through 'her' head! and by god, don't be fooled by the 'No, I insist on going dutch' rubbish - she'll just think you're cheap if you agree!
  2. PMS - no seriously. We'd like one week in a month to walk around being crabby and shouting at everyone for no reason - AND then pretend like we're right!
  4. While I don't ever wanna wear a skirt... I'd totally love to walk into office in my pyjamas and a 'ganji'. Spaghetti top and Harem Pants? My ass.
  5. Dealing with women.
  6. Dealing with women.
  7. Dealing with women.... get the idea? and NO. I'm not gonna apologize. :p
  8. Should we leave the toilet seat up or down??? why can't you just make up your minds??? 
  9. Fairytales - again! wtf!!! Snow White went off to sleep. Rapunsel sat in a castle, Red Ridinghood walked around with a bunch of apples! But the guys had to fight off evil witches with magic powers, kiss a corpse (!), and slay wolves!!! the most empathy goes out to cinderella for mopping floors and what-not and the girl who kissed the frog! but even here the prince had to go around searching through the entire kingdom with a glass shoe (boy must he have felt like an idiot!) or actually become a frog (all for one lousy kiss???)! 
  10. Shopping - go ahead. Do it. with YOUR money. with YOUR friends.
  11. What's with wanting to go everywhere we go? Y'all wanna come to bachelor parties, to wear trousers (no, it's really NOT a piece of clothing designed for women)... it's not like we're pleading to get into your kitty parties, thongs or girl's nights!
  12. When's the last time a girl came upto you in a bar and tried the corniest pickup line ever on you? And the worst part is she even knows it would've worked... AND still didn't!

But ok. To be honest, I'd still go with being able to take a pee anywhere... 

A Shopping List for Mom

So some friends of mine were chatting about arranged marriages and 'coffee dates' and what not...

I found the whole exercise kinda funny... Sounds like speed dating with a deadly outcome! When relatives ask about me getting married I always say, "when you find me some nice girlsss..."... which usually kinda ends the conversation after a little bit of a laugh...

Out of my entire list of friends from business school, I officially know of only 3 other bachelors apart from myself. Not that i feel the pressure to get married at all but merely illustrating that I am possibly part of a species nearing extinction... Mom frets though :)

I've never really been good with relationships. Always felt stifled or ended up stifling someone in them. My only real relationship lasted a little over a year... However, I somehow seem to be this magical gift to the women that get involved with me cos they all seem to find 'love' or settle down with the next guy they date after me!!! I wonder why? *amazed expression*

So, for kicks. A list of 10 things Mom would have had the pleasure of looking out for IF i was interested...

  1. She's got to have "it". You either have "it" or you don't. "it" can't be taught. "it" is magic. (and sorry, if you're asking yourself what "it" is... that can't be a good sign!).
  2. Talk, Dark n Pretty: Most of the women that take my breath away inevitably seem to fall into this category... but being a liberal man of the 21st century and all that, I'll consider others too...
  3. Big Dreamy Eyes and a Smile that's 'Innocent Witchcraft': when she makes em at you, they've gotta make you feel like your taking a walk in the clouds... ah! I've known women like that... 
  4. Idiosyncrasies: if you don't have em, not interested.
  5. Must wash my clothes, massage my feet, and proclaim me to be the greatest man alive. every morning. Ok, Ok... not every morning? lol... but on an honest note, i like a woman who's feminine. And in a very broad and liberal sense, I find women that've feminine emotional traits extremely attractive...
  6. Strict No-Nos: smokers. painfully independent types. duh-types. painfully ambitious types. (thought the latter 3 sometimes are very palatable for various other moments in life!)
  7. Vulnerability, goodness, nurturing, intelligent, inner-strength, honesty, affectionate, warm, expressive, committed, liberal - ideal qualities...
  8. If she can cook well: *nods vigorously in approval*
  9. In the words of Usher, "a lady in the streets and a freak in the bed": so i might not tell mom this... BUT this matters! 
  10. Passion: my woman must have a passion for something... anything. but intense passion is a must.
Did I hear you ask if we lived happily ever after?

Monday 16 January 2012

Things I should say to Me... Everyday.

So I was thinking about how one should approach everyday... and that lead me to this.

Every morning, and through each day, I'd like to tell myself...

"Aal Izz Well"
: there's something ridiculously reassuring about these words... (if you've no idea what this means, I apologize for I cannot explain this myself, but I suggest you watch the movie '3 Idiots')

"You've learnt from your mistakes. It's ok that you made em. Today, you might make some more. But always learn. And always try to be the best you can. After that, there's no need to be afraid."
: I think we sometimes forget to forgive ourselves and we constantly flog ourselves... I carry regret. Lots.

"Strive for Excellence... in every way"
: It always gives you something to look forward to... while also always enjoying the moment.

"Also do what's best for those around you. Think about the larger picture. "
: To be able to do this is one of the truest expressions of Love. I've often believed that one of the only ways to know when you're in love, is being able to care for someone more than yourself...

"You've come a long way kid"
: so so so many awesome people love me. I've made so many of em proud. I love so many of em. I've had the pleasure of interacting and growing through them. Friends. family (they're friends first really). extended family. work. So many awesome awesome moments. Proud moments. I feel like I've really always given life my best shot... always tried hard. Never backed down. I've taken falls. and gotten back up on my feet after. I've been bruised. But today, hear me roar. Yes, I love me. And I will respect me.

"It's not so much the Destination as much as it is the Journey"
: the destination is never entirely satisfying... Sometimes, even the biggest losses are your greatest victories. Focus on enjoying every moment... let the universe figure out the rest.

"I wish I was a glow worm. 
A glow worm's never glum. 
Cos how can you be grumpy, 
When the Sun shines out of your bum!"
: laugh like an idiot! Cos it's one of the best things in life :)