Monday 16 January 2012

Things I should say to Me... Everyday.

So I was thinking about how one should approach everyday... and that lead me to this.

Every morning, and through each day, I'd like to tell myself...

"Aal Izz Well"
: there's something ridiculously reassuring about these words... (if you've no idea what this means, I apologize for I cannot explain this myself, but I suggest you watch the movie '3 Idiots')

"You've learnt from your mistakes. It's ok that you made em. Today, you might make some more. But always learn. And always try to be the best you can. After that, there's no need to be afraid."
: I think we sometimes forget to forgive ourselves and we constantly flog ourselves... I carry regret. Lots.

"Strive for Excellence... in every way"
: It always gives you something to look forward to... while also always enjoying the moment.

"Also do what's best for those around you. Think about the larger picture. "
: To be able to do this is one of the truest expressions of Love. I've often believed that one of the only ways to know when you're in love, is being able to care for someone more than yourself...

"You've come a long way kid"
: so so so many awesome people love me. I've made so many of em proud. I love so many of em. I've had the pleasure of interacting and growing through them. Friends. family (they're friends first really). extended family. work. So many awesome awesome moments. Proud moments. I feel like I've really always given life my best shot... always tried hard. Never backed down. I've taken falls. and gotten back up on my feet after. I've been bruised. But today, hear me roar. Yes, I love me. And I will respect me.

"It's not so much the Destination as much as it is the Journey"
: the destination is never entirely satisfying... Sometimes, even the biggest losses are your greatest victories. Focus on enjoying every moment... let the universe figure out the rest.

"I wish I was a glow worm. 
A glow worm's never glum. 
Cos how can you be grumpy, 
When the Sun shines out of your bum!"
: laugh like an idiot! Cos it's one of the best things in life :)

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