Wednesday 7 November 2012

When is it time to say goodbye...

Max's (my cousin's German Shepherd) hind legs and sometimes even his front legs are giving away. He is hardly able to walk even with a harness support and needs to be carried most of the time. In fact, at times he doesn't even seem to control his body...

As I sat there besides him, just stroking him to sleep, I began to cry. Max was a special dog to me... the first few times I was around him I had to be watchful cos he was known to be 'dangerous' and protective of his environment. He'd watch me silently from a corner in the room, his dark wolf-like face never breaking it's icy observance of my every move... And he'd do all this while Oscar (the other German Shepherd) jumped about happily to be petted and played with... Max was the friend who took time to commit, who's loyalty was rock solid, who took time be won-over... and it was a special feeling when we did eventually become friends... It wasn't easy. It was never taken for granted - he wouldn't let you. If you didn't visit for a while, he too would ignore you for a bit when you visited... Everytime he'd purr like a baby, I'd get really happy to see this beast turn into a puppy with me...

But today, he lay before me, unable to walk... breathing heavily. Max might actually need to be put to sleep if he doesn't improve. But I could tell, he still loved the petting that I was giving him. He kept licking me gently.

I don't know when it is time to say goodbye - to various things in life. People, relationships, work environments, places... I hate them. I can't seem to understand the point of building a bond, when you have to also let it go... and I don't know how some people do it so easily.

I'm not sure where one crosses the line between being a support to someone by holding on TO being a burden and refusing to see the inevitable. I don't know when one crosses the line between being a believer and a fighter TO a fool and a romantic.

Life's taught me that the right time to let go is when you really believe that it is in the best interest of the people concerned. Inherently, I'm a believer and a fighter. I won't give up. I won't let go of hope. But now I often ask myself, what's better for the other person...

Max, please don't give up. There's so much more life left in you...

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