Sunday 30 December 2012

2013: Resolutions

I sit here looking at the almost blank screen, while wondering what I should write about and it seems like an apt time to make some resolutions.

The weird part about resolutions is that one always end up breaking them. But i'm gonna try anyways. So, here goes...

  • Consciously do one good deed everyday - however small or big... and this could be anything from sending a sweet text to an old friend to helping someone with change...but the idea is to consciously program myself to help and do good deeds so that it floats into my subconscious eventually
  • Get even more healthy - I want to lose some more weight, increase my stamina, build better body resilience, cut down on the amount of alcohol I drink, develop better food habits and try to avoid weekend binging.
  • Moderation - I've always been someone who tries things in extremes - I'd like to get a sense of moderation in my life...
  • Listen - I sometimes get carried away with my own thoughts that i forget to listen. I need to find a way of capturing both given my inability to multi-task...
  • Patience - I would like to be more patient. Especially with the people I love dearly...
  • Save - I need to begin to save a certain amount of money every month... however small or big, I just want to get into the habit of having a contingency plan for a rainy day.

Basically, 2013, I'd like to be a better man. 

Show me how.

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