Wednesday 15 June 2011

Saved! (part Uno)

i've a few texts on my phone that i've saved... they make me smile, some crack me up, some make me feel fuzzy...

so i felt like i'd share em with you...

Comrade AB

The bosses decided to throw a party for the entire company one evening... no, this wasn't a casual, spur-of-the-moment party but rather an official (but still spur-of-the-moment) party... so spur-of-the-moment that they did not realize that we'd a 10 AM with none other than the Big B the next morning... but anyhoo, with date, venue decided and booked, and arrangements done twas decided to plough ahead and part-ayyyy anyways... after all, this was the film business... and what was doing a meeting with a little hangover?

So, yours truly decided to make a night of it... and proceeded to get 'wooooohoooooo-plastered'! It was a fun night filled with booze (in copious amounts and diverse mixtures) and dancing... concluded by being driven home by a driver (rather, a valet who found himself spontaneously hired with an offer the he could not refuse...) at about 3 AM...

10:15 AM : our hero (myself) wakes up with shock (and with pain like twas caused by a nuclear device that may have gone off in his head) to the sound of the phone ringing in the distance...traces the sound to his jeans lying on the floor near the door in panic to see 8 missed calls from both the bosses!!! Heart stops! AB sr. meeting! fuck fuck fuck fuck... fuckity fucked!!!

Breathe... maybe they're late and i can still make it.

screw the morning tea, screw the dump, screw washing my a jiffy the jeans are on, the mouth has been gargled with mouthwash (screw the teeth brushing!), two more missed calls have been ignored, shoes have been slipped on and as I put on the first shirt i got my hands on, i'm rushing out the door when i realize that i forgot my phone... get in, get it and rush out... on my way to the car i look through my messages and this text came through from one of the bosses (who is usually an absolute tyrant)... it still cracks me up everytime!

"Due to excess fraternising with our friend from russia comrade L.s Smirnoff, I have pushed the meeting with comrade AB. Long live the party... Hindi russi bhai bhai."

So the next day (to when the meeting had been rescheduled), when we did meet Big B, he looked at me as he came in and in his baritone voice asked "How're you feeling today Ashoo?" and as he noticed the puzzled expression on my face continued to, "I heard you were unwell yesterday..."


"urmmmm... feeling better Amitji", sorta just stumbled out of my mouth...


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