Tuesday 14 June 2011

Me... Commenting on Me... and a little more

So i realize that a lot of this post may have little relevance to most of you... cos well, it doesn't seem like it's gonna have much of a story or narrative... but it's a list. It's a list of things about me... 
So, since I feel like writing this list, I'm gonna. Also it's possible you may get to know me a little better... I'm doing this for the same reason actually.
Note - I've debated (with myself) on whether this should be a numbered list or a bulleted list… I guess one part of me won and the other lost :)

things about me that i like...
  1. i'm vulnerable
  2. I'm extremely hesitant to hurt other people
  3. i'm very intelligent
  4. i'm driven, determined and have fairly strong will power
  5. i'm perceptive
  6. i'm a 'giver'... will go all out to show the people i care about that i do.
  7. i'm sensitive
  8. i get attached to people…family and friends are my world
  9. i can take a punch (metaphorically)… 
  10. i'm funny, have a good sense of humour and don't mind laughing at myself
  11. i'm not too scared of failing and making a fool outta myself
  12. i'm intense and passionate
  13. i try to make sure i enjoy what i do and i pursue the things i enjoy
  14. i like to spread happiness and love...
  15. i can be sorta charming
  16. i can do something till it's mad… i thrive on excess… i like the 'mad' times... having said that i also do like the times of contentment and i actually do have several of those as well... both these drive me in many ways...
  17. i'm persistent
  18. i can be 'cool'
  19. i'm mostly gentle
  20. i'm loyal
  21. i've a huge conscience and i like to do what i think is right
  22. as much as i'm a night person, i'm also a morning person
  23. I find it easy to forgive others most of the time
  24. i try to be the best person i can
things i don't like about me...
  1. i'm vulnerable
  2. i'm sensitive…too sensitive… i wish i was tougher and a little thick skinned… though i'm not exactly what one would call delicate... only a few people can hurt me cos i've sorta let them 'in'...
  3. i get attached to people…too much too easily
  4. i can be needy - this i hate
  5. i can do something till it's mad… i thrive on excess… i wish i knew a middle path… to balance along a fine line
  6. i have terrible memory
  7. i find it difficult to let go
  8. i'm terribly restless and impatient
  9. i wish i handled tense situations better
  10. i wish i had more physical, emotional and mental stamina
some randoms...
  1. i cry at movies
  2. i think i was meant to be an artist... an entertainer of some sort
  3. i'll make a great husband and dad
  4. i'm really trying quite consciously to get really fit
  5. writing this blog is a way of distracting myself and keeping myself occupied currently
  6. i'm hugely pre-occuppied with women but i'm actually not really 'interested' in them currently...i don't know how to explain that... i guess i'm saying it doesn't mean much...
  7. i try to be as honest as possible... even on this blog.
  8. i'm a good dancer... though i feel like i'm losing my touch...
  9. i still play sports but i'm always carrying injuries and don't feel like half the sportsman i was ten years ago...
  10. when i was growing up i didn't think i'd ever be as physically tough as i am
  11. but i did think i'd be better off career wise... i always felt like i was meant to achieve LOTs.... i still believe that...
  12. songs, text messages, simple gestures can change how i feel dramatically...
so this is a long list. I'm gonna stop now cos it just gets a little too much to take in... but i was thinking, when i look back at the list, a lotta the things i like about me are also the very things i dislike about me...

Funny? How does one make sense of that? That seems to be one of the funny facets of life... in every black is white... the act of giving is a selfish one... the people you love and love you will choicelessly hurt you most... the dreams you have will wane... 
life, ends... 
and so on and so forth...

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