Friday 17 February 2012

My Hands are on the Wheel...

But I don't know where this road leads...
There's a tune in my head,
And a different song on the radio...

The road, it turns a suddenly... and then again, slowly.

I hit a bump,
I lose control...
My hands tense. Its still an unfamiliar feeling...

The sun, it rises in the distance. The wheels ease across the expanse...

The rearview shows a green pasture,
The path, blurry, is yet placid, in the warm, easy glow of dawn's mist,
I glance again at the rearview... a rabbit hops about, happy in the grass. The tyres turn...

I Smile. The song changes. The memories are happy. Hope is alive.
I guess I'd do it all over again.
My Hands are on the Wheel...

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Bucketlist '12

So, you kinda get caught up in the minutes, hours, nights, days, weeks, months and soon time has flashed by... You've spent a whole load of time doing several things but when you look back you somehow often find yourself saying, "hmmmmm, why didn't I ever do *that thing* when I wanted to?"

And one more often than rarely, doesn't seem to have an answer... So here's to putting down a list of objectives and thoughts for the year...

(Universe, you better be listening :)))))

Things that I wanna make sure I do/happen/work towards this year -

  • a skydiving course - not just a single tandem jump but to actually do a decent course that actually teaches me a bit about it. I've always been fascinated by how it must feel... I remember jumping off the highest diving board at a few pools (which sometimes were almost 4 stories high) even when I was a kid... the acceleration... the rush!
  • baby steps towards building something or involving myself in something that'll make a difference -  it's been one of my life goals to find a way to make a genuine difference. I know it gives me a lot of satisfaction to be able to influence change in a positive way... In many ways it feels like one of the reasons one is put on this planet.
  • sorting out if this is the career I want for myself... I'm doing fairly well for myself. But i don't feel like i'm doing enough or getting the opportunity to. I expected/expect more from myself. i need to rethink things and really figure... This is my year of choice.
  • to get a flat stomach - I always had this. Somehow a few years back a few inches found their grip. They have got to go. Otherwise i'm still fairly fit...
  • travel with my parents - I wanna take my parents somewhere or send them on an international vacation if I can't go... would be super if they agreed to go visit my sis in the US...
  • to spend more time with my parents and with my sister...
  • to move into a beautiful, slightly bigger apartment... and to collect art and beautiful things... to make my environment filled with lotsa things one can just look at and admire... to create and allow myself to soak in and appreciate an environment of beauty...
  • to make some real money... not sure how. But I really need to figure this out... i need to figure out some alternative business plans as well... some passion projects maybe...
  • I think I'd like to be in a steady, loving, sharing, involved, respectful, genuine relationship... I'm not really desperate for it and very happy to wait till it happens... and for sure don't need it to happen within a timeline... But I think I'm ready - and that's sorta relatively new. I'd also like to be continue to be totally happy in the absence of one...
  • save... I've never actually kept aside money for anything... I kinda just used it as I pleased. While i've never been terrrrrribly broke, I think the time has come for me to learn to put aside some money on a regular basis... What I choose to use it for is fairly flexible though...

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Angler Banega Kya Fisherman? (2002)

I took a lift,
onto a sailing ship,
to become a fisherman 
out in the ocean
instead of an angler
sitting in the backwater.

So there I was with
bait in one hand
and rod in the other
with all around staring in wonder!

As they cast their net
into the water
they caught little frightened 
fish, woken from slumber.

So I called out to a man,
"Yo, can I give ya a hand?"
He turned around with friendly 
eyes and said, "You bet man!"

He gave me a net
which I cast into the sea
but caught no little fish
unlike he!

No need to bait,
No need to wait,
Just throw and watch the show
when the net comes over the bow.

Stubborn, I cast my net again,
And believe me, this fish was plain,
I looked at it and without a thought,
Sold that fish for... nought.

The fisherman, they fished 
to survive, but
funnily, as an angler,
I enjoyed more pleasure.

So fishing, as you can see
is not for me
Coz I like a fish that's alive
And not afraid to take a dive.

Someday, I hope to be
an Angler out at sea,
sailing back home
with my fish beside me!

Sumitra Akka's Poem for Me

When I left school (way back in '99) a teacher of mine wrote me a poem... She made it on a piece of chart paper and on one side stuck pieces of colourful paper that formed an image that was an abstract fusion of a red indian brave and a bird...

On the other side she wrote...

"Remember - special one,
In the heart
of the warrior
Is a bird fish
Swimming upwards
Searching light
gleaming scales search
Sun and star
So bright, so far - when
in the blue sky's endless flow
a bird - of dark gold,
and shining wings
and eyes with golden rings - 
In their depths, the bird fish
Softly sings its song
unafraid to be.

           Wherever you are, whatever you dream, remember the beautiful bird within you, grand and wise. My love and best wishes will always be with you.
- Sumitra Akka"

Thursday 2 February 2012

Making Space...

I've often heard people speak of the power of positive thinking... In my opinion positive thoughts are fantastically fragile. Sometimes virtually powerless against negativity, insecurity, distrust and inertia... Defeatist thinking and painful emotions are funnily extremely powerful.

Remember the last time you got over a lack of trust in a jiffy? On the other hand, remember how easily you lost your grasp over any good thing?

In the last few days i've had the pleasure of interacting with a couple of people whom i've felt have somehow been able to make the universe 'move' and 'make space' for them and their dreams with their positivity, diligence and honesty. Both were hugely inspiring in their own way.

So the concept of 'cosmic timing' seems to have found its way into my head (well actually one of em might have planted it there...). Ever noticed how when you're in the best frame of mind, you tend to meet the most vibrant and interesting people?

I've begun to believe that there possibly is such a thing as 'cosmic timing'... that the 'universe' (or call it what-you-will - god, energy, a higher power etc) will somehow magically change to figure things out for you when you're somehow able to ________________

Sorry, i don't really have the answers as to what you need to be able to do to make the universe your buddy, but... I'd like to share some of the common threads I found in both these people...

  • they both loved what they were doing in life
  • they both actively pursued things that gave them happiness - and they worked hard in these pursuits
  • they were somehow magically structured while also being instinctive - they had structured their lives in a way that allowed for them to be instinctive
  • their approach to life was simplified... 'I will always do what makes me happy and stay honest to myself'... 
  • neither was remotely lazy. Neither was afraid to take responsibility for their mistakes. Neither had it easy...
  • they were both in good health and fit
  • they were fantastically vibrant - to the point of being inspiring
I know it sounds rather simplistic... but somehow it makes me happy to just think like this.

Reminds me of these scenes from my favourite SRK movie (and i like only a few)... scene 1 (with english subtitles) and scene 2 (after he gets reincarnated)...

The possibilities seem limitless...