Tuesday 5 July 2011

The Banana Peel, the Stepping Stone and the Ones that got away...

  1. One night, in a club, I saw a guy walk upto a girl and start talking to her. She seemed to step back. I thought it was the perfect opportunity to step in and play my game... I walked upto her and said "hey, sorry I'm late", pretending to be her friend and thinking she'd play along to ward off the guy and then we'd laugh about it like Hitch... BUT (to my astonishment, i may add) they just stared at me and walked away. Was a different league of embarrassing...
  2. During college, I'd tell my friends I was 'quitting' smoking every morning yet in a few hours/days would be puffing away on a cigarette that I'd taken from them...
  3. All my professors felt it was a given that I'd get into IIT, yet when i wrote the entrance exam, during the Math (my forte) paper, i didn't know the answer to virtually anything. Clueless. Yet, i was still hopeful. Needless to say, I didn't make it into even one of them.
  4. Yet I spent 4 years wasted away studying engineering... something i realized very very soon that i didn't want to be... and then another year preparing for the next career choice... 5 years in whole of time wasted from a 'career' perspective...
  5. I've cheated on women...
  6. I once told a girl she was fat... (BIG mistake!)
  7. I've had my fair share of heartbreak...
  8. I've failed miserably. On so many occasions...

Life will always throw these challenges at you. And no matter how good you are, you will fail. You will make choices you regret. You will get hurt, embarrassed, ridiculed, stomped over, bullied, lied to, betrayed and so much more... 

(yes, eeeeeeeeven the occasional sexual rejection! I know, that's unfair, but it's been known to happen...)

But I guess a good boxer is one who knows how to take a punch and get back on his feet... It's one of the things that often gives us the most amount of satisfaction... when you look back.

Today, when i look back at my failures, I most often look at them without the pain that accompanied them at those times. Yet, when i first encountered them and sometimes for times that followed, they hurt. They were demoralizing.

But I always got back on my feet. That day always came. That day will come. Always. As long as you believe it will. There is no blow from which you wont heal, no cut too deep, no abyss too dark... blah, blah...

As the song goes, "The sun'll come out Tomorrow, So ya gotta hang on, 'Til tomorrow, Come what may...Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya Tomorrow! You're  only a day away!"

I am not lost. I am here. Hear me roar!

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