Sunday 15 December 2013

The Wedding Speech (or what should've been)

I was at a close friend's wedding recently and after it was over a bunch of met up in Goa for two days and nights of absolute fun...

On the last night, while we all chilled at Zanzibar, a bunch of people who were really 'really' close (the inner 'inner' circle - that doesn't include me) made small speeches wishing the couple and what it's mean to them etc...

Here's mine (I sent them an email) - 

Ever so rarely you meet someone with whom you wanna share most of the things that life has to offer. Ever so rarely you meet someone that you're also willing to suffer through the annoying and difficult parts of their personality and the attachments that they come along with - ever so rarely these things even become fun. I remember how much I used to find stretch marks terribly unattractive until I fell in love with a girl who had a few... and then I actually missed em! Love has a way of obliterating things that would've ordinarily mattered. And it's wonderful to see it in the two of you. I even remember enviously walking out of XYZ's cabin in office several months ago when I saw how happy he was and wondering when/if I would ever have such emotion...

The funny thing about marriage though is that it needs more than just love. It is possible there will be times when it will feel so difficult to love each other. You guys will need to learn to forgive (sometimes, its possible it won't be easy... and will take time), to communicate (and that includes listening!) and to be insanely patient and strong for each other. I'm definitely not one to take any relationship advice from :) but always place the most importance on the bond that now binds you guys - in times of love, difficulty, illness, sorrow and come what may.

I see such a wonderful happiness in the two if you - you guys make 1+1= Infiniti. It has such a positive effect on the people around you as well. It makes me think it's not such a bad thing to be vulnerable.

From the bottom of my heart (which isn't too deep)- I wish you guys the best and all the things you guys wish for yourselves. Here's to awesomeness.

*skulls whiskey* 

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