Tuesday 18 November 2014

An unworthy homage to an unconditional friend

Saraswati Lollipop, my cat, passed away this morning. It was completely unexpected, accidental and suddenly it feels strange to even imagine a place called home without her.

She was the most curious and affectionate cat I'd come across - with an insane need to investigate anything that looked 'investigate-able'. She wouldn't let me out of her sight from the moment I'd enter home till the moment I'd leave... waiting patiently by my side in bed to following me into the loo to purring softly every time I carried her to getting excited and getting excessively playful every time we played together. It's difficult to know I wont be seeing her dashing ahead of me playfully in sheer excitement and bumping into something as she lost her balance as I walk around the house... 

She was special to me. She loved me. Unconditionally. She was a street cat whom a friend rescued and nursed to good health. She had been with me for only a couple of years. We used to play a strange game - every morning I would crumple one or two flyers from the newspaper and throw them on the ground around the house. Inevitably she would end up pushing these paper balls around and entertaining herself. She also took great pains in keeping Solomon (my other cat) on his toes by constantly 'blading' him to play. Off late, she seemed to get her 'kicks' from moth-hunting. 

You may have or may not have known her but she was something :)

No matter how badly I want or how how much I regret anything I cant change that she's gone.

So while I write this largely to share my love for her (and wash away some of the regret I feel) I also wanted to remind you, my dear friend, that we all have people and friends whom we should love unconditionally. And as definite as there is life, so is it's end. But in the in-between, take a moment, take many, as often as you can, to show these special friends that you love them. Unconditionally. 

And you should know, loving unconditionally is a very difficult thing. And there may be logistical and physical constraints from sharing this love. It's okay. It's honestly the thought that counts. And love has a way... of finding it's way.

Funnily, two or three nights ago, I had a dream (!!!) where she fought off a large tiger to save me as I ran away! I woke that morning and the days to come feeling so warm and protected by her - as silly as that sounds.

Saraswati - thank you for everything. Rest in peace. You are missed already.