Tuesday 19 March 2013

David's 10 Maxims for Life

Yesterday, I had the pleasure and honour of listening to one of my colleagues share some of his life lessons and speak about 'How to be a Good Agent'. And while it seemed as though he was talking about work mostly, to me it felt entirely like he was actually talking about life. These were some great and valuable insights into how to approach life and I really wanted to share them with you... I even made notes!


1. Its Nothing more than a Little Hard Work...

No Matter how hopeless or difficult a situation may seem, no matter how daunting and intimidating a task at hand may be, no matter how depressed or low something has made you... the truth really is that all it takes to get back up, to find that solution, to dig yourself out - is a little hard work. Break it down, bit by bit, step by step... keep at it. And soon you'll be at mile by mile...

2. The Key to Success is Just Showing Up...

Sometimes you win half the battle by just showing up. You have to get off your ass and get into that room. Its half the battle won already.

3. Celebrate your Accomplishments. But Always, Strive for Excellence (and then more!).

It's really important to be able to look back and be happy with what you have achieved. And it's equally important to be able to look forward with humility and strive to be the best you can be.

4. Don't Worry about what They are doing. Focus on what YOU are doing.

Yes, the world is probably a fiercely competitive place. But why allow someone else to dictate your standards of efficiency/effectiveness/satisfaction/life? Do things in the manner and approach that make you happy!

5. If you want something, you have to take immediate and deliberate steps to achieve it.

Often when faced with a daunting task, we procrastinate or don't know where to begin. It's one of those classic cases where we suddenly wake up one day and realize time has passed us by and we didn't do anything about it. It's important to act. And it's important to act in a deliberate manner (which is not to be confused with being restless and impatient). 

6. Respect Everyone.

It's one of the hallmarks of a good human being.

7. There's a fine line between Confidence and 'Cockiness'.

It's called humility. Let it soak into your being. Funnily, humility is a quality that most genuinely happy possess.

8. Don't just be there in Success. Be there in Failure as well.

Most people remembers the ones who were there for them when they're down and out. If you really want to make a difference in someone's life, make sure you're there for them when they're down.

9. It's Better to Have It and Not Need It... Than to Need it and Not Have It.

There's no harm in being over-prepared. Don't overburden yourself but try to avoid winging it. Chances are, you'll get caught out. You never can be entirely sure of what kind of situation you're stepping into. 

10. Hard Work Drives Everything.

If you don't put in the heart, you will never come out with the muscle or the wisdom.

Bonus Maxim 11. Information is only Good if you Use it.

Never stop listening. Keep your ears open and hear what people are saying. There is a world out there as well.


A successful person is not the person who wakes up in the morning with the most money, women or the largest house... A successful person is someone who wakes up in the morning and looks forward to their day (and going into work!)

The Bitter-Sweet Emptiness of the Adultery that Never was

He dreamt of her, laughing through the sunshine of the day,
But woke up next to someone else...
He may have whispered sweet nothings as they slept,
Which were never heard...

The Emptiness, it has it's Place...
And what an Irony that is...

They'd laughed like mad children,
At the way that they'd know what each was thinking,
But now the sounds that're heard are of intoxicated voices
Flush with lies and temporary meaning.

The heart wants, what it cannot have.

So i'm sorta reviving an old post (that I didn't post since I didn't wanna seem defeatist). And it's not really how i feel at this point. But it was/has been how i felt a few days ago...

I used to feel like less of a man, the morning after. Which is the exact opposite of how I should've felt. I guess it doesn't matter and I know it'll change.... when it does. There was a need to drift along in intoxicated spirits and cheer ... and there was a need to 'get on with it' and put life in place with sobriety (it a pattern!).

I know it's gonna be great again. There might be a little emptiness today, but it's a lot less than what i felt a few days ago. And it shall pass. Bit by bit. Mile by mile.

I do feel better already. Bring on life!